Yoga Certification Thailand
Linking ancient and modern understanding through the Science of Yoga.
David Goulet has spent most of his life researching yoga from a scientific perspective; making the links to modern quantum physics, biology, and body/mind chemistry. Though fully immersed in the Hindu tradition of yoga while living in India in 1971-72…

Half a century in experience to share…
David holds an inner responsibility to share and proliferate the traditional teachings of the Science of Yoga, through the scientific aspect of the chakras presented in the light of modern quantum physics and biology i.e.
David is slowly unraveling how modern research has come full circle, back to original understanding of the ancients.

All is Energy.
Come for an educational experience in a Meditation Retreat
Thailand or to teach through Yoga Certification Thailand.
You can view many of his videos HERE:

For folks/students of yoga
interested in the real yoga lifestyle
you might want to visit our
Chakra Yoga Center in Palawan.
Expose yourself to mother nature herself.
The two Pyramid Yoga Centers are a welcoming home base for all explorers of the energy world. On top of various short courses and workshops held around the world, David teaches an annual yoga teacher training course in either Thailand or the Philippines.
Our Service
When I was 5 years old, my mother always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down ‘happy.’ They told me I didn’t understand the assignment, and I told them they didn’t understand life.
John Lennon