Cancer  Remission

Designed after a successful program first developed and tested in1978 the present version has pushed cancer into remission several times, this program has also shown itself effective in healing most degenerative dis-eases.

For those who are at the onset of degenerative diseases, this is an intensive program designed to turn the situation around. It will rejuvenate your body and mind back into a healthy state. The Cancer Remission Program has been proven effective in putting terminal cancer into remission time and time again. For this to be effective one reaches up into the quantum realm of possibilities; that place where everything is made of energy, vibrating energy. This is the realm of the chakras. At this level of our experience physical diseases are not physical anymore and radical changes can happen. As the molecules of a tumor dissolve back into electromagnetic waves the physical disease ceases to exist.

This program immerses you into a very healthy environment, with a trained therapist guiding you through the process of dissolving your dis-ease. No one does it for you; rather, you are taught how to heal using your body’s own auto-immune system. Ultimately, you will feel empowered by an exciting new outlook of what is really happening within you and how you can oversee your own life and health.

As electromagnetic quantum waves become the atoms of your DNA, you have a powerful influence. on what will be unfolding in your life.  What does your belief system project ??

As you learn about the inherent abilities designed into your body, you might be amazed and start to wonder why you were not taught these things in school. Our bodies are miraculously engineered to take care of themselves. By working with yogic techniques developed thousands of years ago and time tested over centuries, you can establish a state of health without medical intervention. It is your birthright.

Some of the methods used to re-create health are listed here:

  • The ‘Ekadasi’ breathing method (a technique of pranayama yoga)
  • Hatha yoga asanas and exercises designed to stimulate the thymus gland and lymphatic system
  • Emotional release work to uncover some of the causes of disease
  • Diet and herbs for detoxification
  • Education in thought patterns and related disease symptoms
  • Daily psychological counselling with constant supervision
  • Quantum Sound Therapy
  • Light and Color Therapy
  • Techniques in energy control and glandular stimulation
  • Yoga chiketsa massage therapy

Contact David for details: [email protected]
This program lasts up to one month to ensure successful results and costs USD 8000.
The elimination of cancer from your life is permanent as long as simple maintenance practices are followed.

“Cancer has only one prime cause. It is the replacement of normal oxygen respiration of the body’s cells by an anaerobic (i.e. oxygen deficient) cell respiration.”

Dr. Otto Warburg — two-time Nobel Laureate Winner of the Nobel Prize for Cancer Research, and 38 nominations  (in the 1930s).

“In all serious disease states, we find a concomitant low oxygen state. Low oxygen in the body tissues is a sure indicator of disease. Hypoxia, or lack of oxygen in the tissues, is the fundamental cause of all degenerative disease.”

Dr. Stephen Levine — Renowned Molecular Biologist and Author.


Ruth – July   1978  the first time.

Ruth had been told by her doctors that she had fast-growing malignant lumps in her right breast,  and the cancer was spreading into the lymph nodes under her right arm. They strongly recommended she be in the hospital for surgery within four days. She had already taken a few weeks of yoga classes at that point so she decided to come for a visit and talk to me about her predicament. Doctors had told her there was no cure for cancer and the best they could do was cut out the diseased parts and hope for the best. She chose to come and do a two-week yoga intensive with me and my partner. This time was spent doing a lot of breathing exercises like three-part deep breathing, Ekadasi, and the physical exercises of Hatha Yoga. My Diet was strict and very limited, along the lines of the macrobiotic diet which I had used to start the healing of my leg. Time was also spent talking about lifestyle changes that would be required for long-term results. This involved relationships, employment, diet, stress levels and social support groups.

Ruth took it all quite seriously and changed almost everything, including her relationship with her husband. She went travelling for a few months after the yoga program with us. While she was away she had herself checked out medically in a clinic in a different province. There was no sign of any cancer. She continued with her new healthy lifestyle for several years, sometimes travelling and other times staying back in her hometown, eventually, we lost touch with her.

Bob (asthma) 1995

“My wife and I both participated in a yoga workshop led by Dave Goulet during a two week period in January 1995 in Mexico. This was an unplanned event from our perspective. I am now 49 years old and have experienced chronic asthma since 2 years of age. My parents who live in Montreal will confirm this fact. David’s course taught me how to breathe properly and I am ecstatic to relate that I no longer experience asthma. I would be happy to speak with anyone at any place to relate my experience. Each day for a period of 30 minutes I practice breathing exercises as a maintenance program. I am strongly recommending Dave Goulet for his knowledge, teachings, and dedication to his work”-Bob Daniels

Yvonne 1990

The next time I endeavored to help a cancer patient was more than a decade after the story of Ruth. For that interim decade, I focused on my practice, did some writing on the subject of yoga and taught occasionally. The experiences of yogic living continued to deepen my knowledge and confidence in yoga. One of those experiences, in particular, brought me to a deeper understanding of the whole process of healing. That was the chainsaw incident. I learned much about the power of positive thinking and “belief” through that lesson, and that led me to realize more about helping others in their healing process.

In the early winter, actually, at Christmas time, my brother informed me that our mother was seriously ill in the hospital. She had been affected by cancer for a few years at that point, a type of breast cancer that erupted as an open sore on the surface of the skin. She was quite reserved about it, usually discussing it only with her doctor. This year it had spread to her lungs, seriously weakened her to the point where she could no longer walk, and now had put her in the hospital.

Earlier, radiation and chemotherapy had done little to help her with breast cancer. Through family connections, she went to see Dr. Michael Osborn of the Sloan Kettering Cancer Research Institute in New York and he arranged for surgery to be performed in Toronto.

This proved to be successful, however, one year later she was again in the hospital dying of lung cancer. This is when my brother, who lived near her, called and informed me of the situation. Her doctors had given her a maximum of 10 days to live, as her lungs were filling up with fluid secreted by the cancer cells.

At this point in her life, though 75 years old, she still wanted to spend a little more time on planet earth. So when she was offered an alternative method to rejuvenate her health by herself, with my help, she went for it. I took her out of the hospital and set her up in her own apartment with a yogic treatment plan; this involved a de-toxification diet using many Chinese herbs and several sessions of deep breathing per day. Yvonne had been bedridden for a couple of weeks at that point because she was too weak to do anything but go to the bathroom. However within five days of commencing this new treatment, her lung capacity had increased dramatically, her energy and vitality had returned, and she was up and about living her daily life. This included daily walks in the mid-winter Okanagan in B.C. Canada; she even wanted to go skiing with her two sons. This spontaneous recovery shocked many people.

X-rays taken a couple of weeks later showed the cancer cells in her lungs had been reduced to dormant black spots.

To maintain her own health she was set up on a diet that had a vegetarian base, with very low sugar intake and continued use of Chinese herbs. Her health continued to improve as she resumed her active social life and even went travelling to Hawaii.

Diane (spinal) 1995

Diane was suffering from flattened disks. She was a horse rider and trainer, and this occupationhad over time flattened the disks. It became painful at times, especially when she went to bed at night, making it very difficult to get to sleep. Many times during the day she would feel aching and “tiredness” in the area of her lower back. We put her on to a simple exercise program designed to relieve stress in the lower back area and stretch the spine a little so as to allow space for the cartilage to build back up. We added to this a variety of breathing exercises to help stimulate the healing process. She was also advised about the activities she should not do; those which had damaged the cartilage disks in the first place. She also underwent Jin Shin Do acupressure treatments and some sound therapy once or twice a week. She proved to be quite diligent with doing the exercise and breathing routines on her own and consequently made weekly progress. At first, she was hardly able to move in the area of the lower back but within a few weeks, she had regained much of her mobility. The symptoms from her spinal problems mostly dissolved within two months. The medical option was to bolt titanium rods onto both sides of her spine; a procedure that would not allow her to ride horses ever again.

After two months she was back riding horses and without any residual pain. Diane continued to come for monthly sessions as a reminder of how to stay on track, and she continues to feel better and stronger. Her daily routine includes some simple postures and movements which re-adjust her vertebrae while keeping the cartilage disks rejuvenated.

Karen  Brain tumor #1 1995

This was the year we started the Creative Health Institute in Victoria BC. One of the first clients to come was a lady called Karen. She brought an orange-sized tumour with her since it was in her head and she couldn’t go anywhere without it. She came up from Seattle explaining her medical possibilities as rather gruesome: cutting out half of her brain, leaving her in a wheelchair with only a 20% chance of dying. A 27-year-old mom with two young daughters did not accept this. My Cancer Remission program was only 2 weeks long, so she decided to do it.
The orange was in her right brain and pressing against her inner ear, the result being she had lost the hearing in that ear. She strickly followed the diet, and the breathing and took to the Quantum Sound sessions. On about the fourth day of the program, she started to hear with the pressured ear and realized this was working. After two weeks she went back to Seattle for some scans and testing. They found conclusively that the tumour had disappeared, there was only an outline of where it had been, much to their bewilderment.
I had arranged with Karen to get her medical records before and after, and she had informed the hospital. They told her to come back the next morning for all her records. The next morning they said “Sorry we seem to have lost all your records, in fact we have no record of you at all.
This was to be my proof of the effectiveness of yoga, and had arranged to have this publlished in the provincial newspaper, but then of course that could not happen.
Karen remained alive and well for the years that I kept in touch, happy to be raising her children.