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The amount of material gathered by David in his 5 decades of study and research is beyond what can be taught in a normal TTC. Because of this he is writing books and recording videos to explain the results of his research. The books shown above are some of his writings on the different aspects and forms of yoga. The online courses include these books and come with hundreds of videos.

This Chakra Yoga manual is the main book for the study of the chakras. Written and illustrated by David, it is a comprehensive explanation of the chakras from a western scientific perspective. It Contains many details from psychological influences to the connections of glands and organs in the physical body. With the practices in yoga this becomes an essential book for the understanding of mind/body medicine, as well as for going beyond the body.
This is a very good introduction to the whole science of yoga; it also makes the connection to the forms of yoga important for the development of each energy center and certain practices for each. Written from a scientific perspective, it defines the real energy world – from gravitation (Muladhara) to magnetism (Ajna) in ways easy to understand for normal educated people
The Healers manual takes us deeper into the body’s physiological functions and how the mindset and belief system can often interfere with how the immune system could be functioning 100%. The PDF version of the book contains many active links to scientific research and medical studies that help us build a better more positive attitude to support our own health.
Helping to understand how the immune functions work is a key to making it work better since it creates a stronger belief about our capability to repair our own body and maintain an automatic defence against any bacteria or virus which could potentially be harmful or even destructive.
Our misunderstanding of this system makes us vulnerable to negative suggestions, fears and worries about our health, and even creates health problems through the power of negative thinking – what is called the nocebo effect. This is the opposite of the placebo effect in which the power of believing in the healing power of a medicine makes it work for us.

Pranayama Yoga is the firepower of yoga, the wind that fuels the flames. The art of deep breathing takes a while to learn and of course much longer to practice. there are 46 different breathing techniques in this book, from the easy steps of each section of the breath to techniques that require weeks to perform. Some are for physiological benefits, some for emotional release, and some for mental clarity, but most of them are based on the ability to breathe with our full lung capacity to be effective.
Also, we need to be aware of the Prana aspect, which is considered more important than the air itself. The scientific explanation of prana is in the first part of the book, nothing mystical about it, any more than electricity is mystical.
Hatha is the classical asana practice. this manual describes 150 asanas, with photos and benefits of doing them. This book explains how to do the asanas, with pictures, and gives the benefits of each. If you can master these postures and movements you can also master your health. In the Chakra yoga system, the postures and the movements between them are combined with breathing methods which increase oxygen circulation to specific areas, targetting certain glands and organs. the flows, also available in video, are for all-inclusive health.
The asanas are the base for all of the modern “styles” of yoga, from Iyengar to Ashtanga to Bikrams to dozens of others available; these styles are merely the ways in which they are put together into flows. Some of the chakra flows are available on YouTube. Many are based on the Egyptian style of flowing the postures into dances.

In the Science of Yoga there are many departments of learning, similar to the system in a university. These ‘departments’ are not the ‘styles’ of yoga that are now popular in the West. Each department is one of the forms of yoga that presents a unique perspective and system of knowledge to provide a deeper understanding of the science of yoga as a whole.
Within the sacred geometry of Yantra Yoga lies the secret wisdom about the angles of entanglement which manifest the reality we can perceive, shaped out of the total matrix of this ocean of invisible energy. Remember that there are zillions of these energy waves – waves which in quantum physics they regard as “waves of possibilities” only forming into electrons or protons (possibly) with the influence of a conscious observer.

In the Level II book, David teaches about the more secretive aspects of Chakra development such as the resistance encountered along the path. In old Sanskrit texts, this is expressed as the witches who meet you in your practice and seduce you into the pleasures of the world. They are the sensual demi-goddesses who are in control of your body’s hormonal chemistry, through which they easily influence your emotions and desires. Learning how to get by them to the core of vibrational ecstasy is an important skill needed for higher evolution.
This is the auto-biography of David’s first journey to the East in 1969. He re-counts how what began as an outer journey to explore the world soon became an inner experience of discovery. From the first psychedelic encounters to the intense training in India that opened up new dimensions of possibilities – it is a truly transformational voyage across the universe. The book covers the era from childhood to his return from India. the second book “The Return of the Yogi” is still in his mind.